Wednesday, February 18, 2009

the flu as metaphor?

So I am home sick from school today. I keep wondering if it is a metaphor for something. Is getting sick the body's way of rebooting? I have been thinking about some major changes in my life. Specifically looking at changes in the way I operate. I am a character of habit and routine, and once I get into a routine that works, it becomes monotonous.

Today I broke out of my routine. I did small things outside of what I normally do when I am home sick. I read more instead of vegging out. I sat in a different room than I usually sit in. I suppose the hope is that these little things will eventually lead to larger changes. It is hard for me to make the big changes, so will these little changes in routine make a difference?

Big picture; I hope to change my eating habits, my workout routine, my use of free time, and my use of work time. Those are all BIG things, any advice on how to make big changes happen?


Eric Ottem said...

BIG changes instantly stem from catalysts like CATASTROPHES. Glaciers did big work, but they lived longer. I think even camels stumble under that last straw; nothing snaps. Toss death or divorce (or the BIG things that cause them) on a camel... or toss a mirror in front of the camel so he can see what a load he's carrying...

Why do you want the changes? What truth are trying to tell yourself? Once you accept the truth you are trying to tell for what it is...the changes will already be underway.

Or you realize that you don't really want the changes... that it's somebody else telling you what change to want... and you don't have to accept that. Then change the changes to the ones you really want.

Sarah said...

Thank you, I do think you are right. I am definitely the camel looking in the mirror. And if I am that loaded camel, then I want to be on my damn way already, you know? Stagnation has never appealed to me. I am impatient, yes. I am skeerdet, yes. But mostly I am so unmotivated. The camel needs a direction.

Aaand, I may want changes, but am I motivated to make the changes, that is the real question. Forget the reasons why (and they are numerous; honest or fictional) I think I have been content to sit on the sofa of my life flipping the channels for too long.

I am glad to have some Ottem poster-quotes on my blog, thank you friend!