Sunday, November 8, 2009

Fall goes so fast

I love looking out the window and watching the seasons change. But it seems like this year is going so fast. And in the midst of all the busy-ness, I have had so many opportunities to do new things, find new finds, and meet new people. Here is a fall recap:
  • Samuel George Gladfelter was born... to be there and watch Jen and Dave become parents and add to their family was a wonderful, indescribable moment of happiness.
  • I got to do a book review for a major magazine! More details to come.
  • Mom had a great visit, she ironed everything I own and made my life really easy!
  • Brandi Carlile's new album is really great. You should get it.
  • Ellie is so gown-up and fabulous. All of two; she is the smartest, the keee-uwt-ist little lady. She dressed up as a puppy dog for Halloween. Loved the sudden realization she had when we went trick or treating... wait... they are putting CANDY in my bag??
  • A fantastic student teacher has been so wonderful. Also, I have a really awesome, funny, smart set of students this year. Good students always make the year go fast.
So what is new with you?