Tuesday, June 28, 2011

I'm not really here...

The thing about grief is that it comes up when you least expect it to.

I am at a conference in New Mexico, away from my bed and my bathroom towels. I hate it. When I first got down here, I called my uncle to wish him happy birthday and when the machine picked up, my dead aunt's voice came over the phone. Hello, not prepared for that shit. It really knocked the wind out of me. Then I got a couple emails from my uncle on Tuesday as I was getting all this information from my conference. It was the perfect storm, and I had a bit of a breakdown.

I feel better now, but I can't wait to get home tomorrow.

The thing about grief is that you have no rules. If you need to sit in a dark room watching America's Next Top Model, do it. If you need to eat chocolate covered pizza, do it. If you need to plunge back into the work you've been doing and plow forward, do it. But no one... NO ONE can tell you the rules for grieving.

I'm here at the conference, but I'm not really here. And that's okay.

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