It was graduation this weekend, and my dad's 70th birthday, and the end of the school year wrapped into one fabulous package of hallelujah and amen. This is really the end of my "year" and the opportunity to rest, catch up on life and try new things is this great buffer between now and August when I have to go back. The trips are scheduled, the books are piled up, the friends are called and dates are made. Who says Christmas is the most wonderful time of the year?
The day I graduated from Niwot... the clouds look all kinds of ominous. |
What is graduation? To me, graduation is a moving forward. I had a fantastic high school experience. I had lots of close friends, I was involved in a lot of fun things, I didn't worry too much about my grades and I remember my parents being mostly happy with my life choices. And graduation day was really fun. It was my dad's birthday, and my Grandma flew out from Oregon, and family and friends gave me a lot of presents. I remember being emotional and sad that I wouldn't be in the protective bubble of high school, but I was looking forward. I was hopeful that good things come more than once in a lifetime. I suppose I still am.
This weekend was so wonderful because of that hope. Hope that these graduating kids will find their paths and joy in the process, hope that my dad continues to enjoy good health and happiness, hope that this year and this summer will be restful, joyous and full of love. We have everything we need, everything else is gravy.
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