Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Summer To Do List

April is drawing to a close, and I'm a little amazed.  May signals the end of the school year and the end of the school year means a summer TO DO list!  Here goes mine:

  1. Eat my favorite burrito at El Parasol in Santa Fe
  2. Sing a song that I wrote on a stage with my band
  3. Learn French (I always put this on my summer list)
  4. Make bread, with yeast.... here's hoping it doesn't turn into the yeasty wheat blob
  5. See Steve Martin play banjo while sitting on a lawn with a beer
  6. Take a long walk with my friend Kara... she goes on these realllly long walks
  7. Watch the Story of English
  8. Read like a muther lover (I kinda overloaded the ol Kindle.... not to mention the stack of novels I want to get through)
  9. Wear high heels through an entire wedding and reception
  10. Do five yoga poses every night before I go to bed
  11. Sit outside Chautauqua and listen to a concert
  12. Band practice!
  13. Write more poetry 
  14. Wake up early enough to smell the dewy grass
  15. Soothe a baby to sleep

It's a work in progress... might add to it.  What's on your to do list?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, The Story of English, always intriguing and fun. Cooking with yeast is so intimidating - Good luck. It is alive, you know. Looking forward to enjoying Emmylou Harris and Steve Martin with you on the lawn.
Love, Mom