I'm going to get rid of my cable. It's time. I can't remember the last time something was reaaaaally on tv that I reaaaaaally needed to watch. Most of what is on is so completely superfluous to the world. Jersey Shore is not changing the world, unless changing the world involves filming the drunken antics of semi-literate morons, which it doesn't. Old episodes of "Friends" are great, but I know all the lines of all the episodes. I could probably start a "Friends" reenactment club, which sounds cool. TV sucks the life out of me. I find myself sitting and mindlessly clicking through a hundred channels as a kind of self-medication. I'm trying to live mindfully this year. That is kind of an Aunt Martha thing. She was a very mindful person. She really didn't do things frivolously or casually. Intentionality and purpose were her hallmarks.
Aunt Marti not watching television, with Keisha the great dog. |
I wonder what will occur in place of the cable-coma? My hope is that I will read more... because I have a lot of frickin books to read. I hope I will write more letters and cards to people. I hope I will feel more energy. I hope I start that "Friends" reenactment club. Mostly, I hope I will feel more mindful and content instead of feeling chaotic and scattershot. I'll keep you posted.
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