It is no secret, summer makes me happy. Swinging in my sky chair, getting pedicures, staying up late with a book, watching The Price is Right and getting really jazzed when they pull out Plinko; they are simple pleasures, but they'll do. Our agrarian school year really makes me feel guilty that I'm not out tending to my soybean crops, but only if I've spent a particularly lazy day. For the most part, summer is about recharging the batteries, training for new classes, and planning for the next year.
The summer has also had its challenges. Aunt Marti's death has really stymied me and I have to figure out my "new normal" without her. That takes time... and a lot of selfishness on my part. I've been a little turtle-like lately. I don't want to meet new people, I don't want to think about school, I don't want to be obligated to anyone or anything. I imagine that will lessen with time, and my friends have been really gracious with me. Vitamin D, frisbee-lovin dogs and cool drinks give good comfort on days when I don't get out of my pajamas.

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