But I am digressing. I started to think about my relationships. What lessons have I learned from my relationships? And are these lessons sticking with me? Relationships always seem to school me, and sometimes when I exit a relationship I tend to slam the door in anger on any sort of trailing lessons that might follow.
And then I thought about my relationship with God. What lessons am I taking from that relationship every day? I'm not talking about lessons from the Bible, I'm talking about the intimacy with God that allows me to see myself through His eyes. I know God wants to teach me stuff, but I have been very closed to his lessons lately. There is a wall of bitterness and frustration and contempt that goes up when things aren't going my way. I wonder if he is trying to teach me openness and forgiveness, especially of myself. I wonder if He's trying to teach me that I am okay just the way I am. I wonder if He's trying to teach me that when I live in openness, I will feel more love. I know, you're thinking to yourself that I am incredibly perceptive and quick. I am, don't be jealous.

Aaahh. Love the parallel you drew here. Will really chew that over. So refreshing, true, and indeed perceptive. Prayers for you as you explore that openness and let that love in!
You and I are often on the same wave length. Thanks for putting words to some of my own feelings! Hope 2011 is treating you well so far!
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