I have learned something about myself in these first three weeks of summer. I need a schedule, but not just any schedule. Anyone can have a "schedule". I can schedule a time for watching People's Court, or doing the jumble, or napping, or watching my cats napping. I think I need an assistant who will plan stuff for me to do, set an agenda for the day, something for me to follow.

Having free time is kinda crappy for one who's sole aim in life is to procrastinate. My problem lies in the transition moments. I can work out every day, but then I hem and haw and stretch and yawn and two hours later I still haven't gotten in the shower. What is up with that? If I had an assistant, let's call her Vera, then I would have someone tell me when is workout time and when is shower time. Otherwise I will work out, find out that Susan Sarandon is on the View in half an hour and gee, I would really like to see what ol Susan has been up to and then I can do 30 extra minutes on the rowing machine and who cares about time anyway because it is summer and where do I have to be later, that big line at the DMV? You see my point? No structure. No rules.
I do get out of the house. Occasionally I will have a date or engagement or thing to do during the day, but the meantime has been filled with unproductive, mindless nonsense. Vera would keep me in line, I think.
1 comment:
Right there with you. And yet I find myself resenting Vera. She doesn't seem to realize that when you've been under such a rigid schedule through the school year, you just need a chance to float for a while and let time take you where it will. Kind of like being a kid on summer break; not having to be ruled by clocks, calendars, and agendas. And, maybe, if she weren't so bossy, a summer structure would evolve naturally. It might have a slower rhythm - maybe that of waves crashing or crickets chirping or the rise and fall of a sleeping cat's chest. But who says that's not exactly the way it should be? So back off, Vera, and let Sarah do whatever it is Sarah wants to do.
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