Which leads me to what I think everyone wants, no one is satisfied by, and what God kinda busted me out* about last week. I was lamenting that I didn't have more followers and wondering why and kinda feeling all mopey. I heard God's voice very clearly say to me, "why are you seeking acceptance?" and I thought about it and told God that everyone wants to feel validated and loved and accepted. Then I heard the voice again, "when will you finally feel accepted?" and I told God that if people like me then I can be more confident, der. Then I heard the voice again, "You have a hard time believing that I accept you and that I love you and I am God. What could people give you that I haven't already offered?"
I kinda felt like an idiot. I mean, I can barely accept myself sometimes. The validation we receive from others is wonderful, but flawed. It always runs out, it never reaches the deepest parts of our soul's longing and it is asking for acceptance from people who are equally as insecure. I need to remember where my ultimate acceptance and validation comes from... THEN I can accept the love and validation that others offer without wanting them to fulfill some deep need.
Does this make sense? I wanted to get this blog out and into the cosmos. The following verse from Hebrews really stood out to me last week;
So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay. But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him."But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved. Hebrews 10:35-39.
I hope you have a great week and that you feel validated and accepted and FOLLOWED by the one who loved you first, and I hope that validation fills your soul. Happy Holy Week!
*to "bust one out" is a technical term which means bring to attention or suggest an alternate course of action. :-)
What can I say? I think you found the key to validation. Barbara
Amen sister! I agree to whole heartedly with what you're saying and keep getting carried away with long responses (which I in turn keep deleting). Such a rich topic for conversation! The verse that came to mind was: "You will keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on You because he trusts in You." When we are looking to others for validation, we take our eyes off the Lord, and lose our peace. When we come back to His truth, which is that we are already accepted in Him, we find peace. I love how patient He is to walk this out with us over and over and over again as we learn to trust and follow Him!
Well said my beautiful friend and a great reminder of what this Holy Week is all about. When I'm wallering in my self-loathing, how easily I forget that Christ died--for me, just so that I could have a relationship with Him. How could I ever feel unloved when He has so profoundly demonstrated the essence of LOVE. Yet--so often my heart forgets what my head knows to be true. Ever learning to trust...Heather
The love and validation from humans is always conditional, no matter what Disney tells us. There is always something you can do that will turn someone away, even if you never find out what that is. Like Einstein said, he wasn't sure if the universe is infinite, but human stupidity sure is. I doubt any human has the capacity for truly unconditional love/acceptance.
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