Thursday, January 26, 2012

A hard rain's gonna fall

Oh man.  I gotta tell you, this has been a tough January.  Let me preface this by saying that I am fine, but I'm changed, and it wasn't an easy, voluntary change like "hey let's try Thai food".  It was a change that dragged me through.  I was not left unscathed.

How do we deal with all the hard rains that come from out of nowhere and drench us to the core?  It isn't like we can prevent these things from happening in the future.  I talked to my friend Kara about this last weekend, and she thought it might have something to do with God being in the mess with us, and His gentle reminder to us that we are not alone in the downpour.  She wrote about it so beautifully in her blog:
But a mark had been made on me about how a relational God often accomplishes mighty things. Not by lightning bolts and magic spells that zap our troubles into extinction or by giving us brand new unblemished situations, but by being with us in the midst of our troubles. Through this – or, rather, through Him – we find grace to lift our eyes off of our daunting messes and enjoy the friendship of our creator as he makes a way with us and for us. What a beautiful thing to see what will be knit with the strands he so caringly restores!

Maybe more epiphanies will come out of this tough time.  Maybe not.  But I know I needed a gentle reminder that He is near... and He has an umbrella.