I am nearing the end of September, thank the good Lord.
It was a bit of a month. There were lots of little turkeys to cross my path; electrical problems, computer woes, vomiting cats. All that stuff can be fixed rather easily, and it was. But then there were some big, frickin gorrillas that came and beat their chests in the midst of my calm. These problems are much larger than I can get into in a blog-like format. I pay someone to help me with those problems, or I make my friends listen to my emotional vomiting and then I buy them a beer.
I guess my point is that I was stuck in this downward spiral. Just when I thought things were coming back around, a little turkey or a big gorilla messed it all up. There is a certain amount of helplessness in circumstances like these. What can I do but hold up my arms and say, "meh"? So that's kind of what I learned this month. There are always turkeys or gorillas and sometimes we have to let go in order to move forward. During September, I filled my journal with a laundry list of these down-turners. Then I realized that I needed to start filling my journal with what I hoped for rather than the things that were bringin me down. It made me feel so much better, and it was so easy to do.
It all comes down to perceptions. If my perception or outlook is to recall and check off this laundry list of horrible things going on in my life, then that is all I will have. But does it benefit me to count my woes? My Gramma Mae always said, "count your blessings." It was a phrase I always rolled my eyes and nodded at. But when the fit hit the shan this month, my blessings were all I wanted to think about. Okay Gramma, I'm trying.